Gallup North Hogback Trail
The trailhead is just to the northwest of the Red Rock Motorsports area. The gate is always open so just drive on through, watching out for any friendly throttle-twisters and hydrocarbon folks.
Nestled in the Cibola National Forest are 25+ miles of singletrack trail for mountain biking, running and hiking.
The stark, high desert landscapes, hogback ridges and red rock outcroppings north and east of Gallup give way to ponderosa pine forests and aspen lined canyons when you take a drive towards Fort Wingate/McGaffey in the Zuni Mountains east of Gallup. It is an old range and highly eroded. It resembles more of a rolling plateau with prominent hills, though Mt. Sedgwick is the highest peak in the range at 9,256 feet. There are several flowing streams, which drain large, wet flowering meadows. The Continental Divide runs through the middle.
The area is an outdoor recreation smorgasbord, with an extensive network of well-developed, well-maintained trails for hikers and bikers, as well as miles of current (and former) logging roads (a lot of the lumber used to supply the railroad came from the Zuni Mountains). The trail system consists of 186 miles of non-motorized trails, 28 miles of connector trails, and six new trailheads that are managed for pack and saddle, biking, and hiker/pedestrian. Ultimately, the entire Zuni Mountain Trail System will interconnect. There are two developed campgrounds available, McGaffey and Quaking Aspen, as well as numerous meadows for primitive, back country camping.
Downhill singletrack with a lot of berms available to use as jumps. Though you can ride this trail in either direction, the downhill version is A LOT more fun unless you have an aversion to catching air. Ends at the gravel road just beyond the Hilso trailhead.
Connects Quaking Aspen/Hilso with Turkey's Nest. Basically, this trail is an alternative route to Sheetrock Tank.
This trail starts at Sheetrock Tank and gradually ascends to the west rim. There is a small spur in the middle that leads to a worthwhile scenic overlook.
Starts at the new Milk Ranch Trailhead, on the east side of NM400 after milepost 5. The trails heads 1.5 mi. west through rolling meadow to Milk Ranch Canyon. After crossing the rippled rock bottom, follow the trail to the right along the south canyon rim, then up a side canyon with a few challenging step ledges, and finally a large cave where the trail leaves the drainage and starts to climb up the ridge. The climb is challenging. The trail eventually levels out and intersects the Quasimodo Trail on the right. A short distance beyond the intersection there is an overlook spur on the right. The trail heads down shortly after that, returning to Milk Ranch Trailhead via an abandoned logging road.
The Plush forks off Lost Lake Rim Trail and flows through open ponderosa forest, negotiates some interesting surface rock on the way to a small drainage, then continues with fast forest trails. Enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes. The trail crosses a gravel road at .5 mi. and intersects the Malcom Tank Trail at .9 mi. and again at 4.1 mi, then crosses the gravel road again at 4.5 mi., ending at the Turkey Nest Trail intersection.
This trail meanders across a big open meadow to the foothills and drainages of a high ridge. There are lots of short rollers to keep things interesting. It intersects the Sawmill Trail at .6 mi, and has a viewpoint spur trail on the right at 3 mi. with a challenging climb and spectacular distant views to the north and west.
Singletrack trail that follows an aspen lined drainage to Sheetrock Tank. Start at the Hilso trailhead.
This singletrack runs from the Milk Ranch Trail intersection, across open Ponderosa hills, drainages, and canyons, sometimes doubling back for another round through the rollers, to Berma Trail Intersection. There are many short intense climbs broken up by swoopy downs, with some fast flow thrown in for variety.
Singletrack trail running on the edge of the Fort Wingate Army Depot. This trail also leads to Sheetrock Tank, running north to Forest Road 481.
Strawberry Canyon Trail is a wide, smooth multi-use trail. The trail is a good one for beginning hikers or people acclimating to the altitude in New Mexico. The trail ascends a ridge with gentle switchbacks, intersecting the Tampico Trail at 1.6 mi. Originally built in the 1930's by Civilian Conservation Corps crews, this trail has been well maintained over the last 75 years. It starts at the McGaffey Campground Trailhead, runs along the back of the Campground, crosses a small footbridge, and then winds up to the historic McGaffey Fire Lookout Tower.
Trail climbs to Sheetrock Tank. The name is based on the abundance of wild turkeys in the area.
Singletrack trail that intersects with Turkey's Nest and Quaking Aspen. The trail runs parallel to NM-400 for about a mile before turning west and climbing to Andrew's Tank. The trail is mostly a mellow cruise on rolling hills, with a few short climbs.
The Zuni Mountains are located south of US Interstate 40 between Fort Wingate and Grants, and north of NM State Highway 53. Take the NM-400 exit off of I-40. There are multiple parking areas, depending on the trailhead you choose. Take plenty of water and snacks. There are no amenities nearby and the trails are typically low traffic. There are bathroom facilities at the Hilso/Quaking Aspen parking area.
Zuni Mountain Trail System
State Highway 400
McGaffey, 87301
(505) 346-3900
Just a mere 15 miles from Gallup, the transition from the High Desert Trail System to the Zuni Mountain Trail System is quite polar. With 800ft of elevation gain, the landscape changes dramatically to ponderosa pine forest and meadow grasses. you might begin to wonder if you have just skipped over to Colorado, but you're really in a great, accessible and never crowded trail system in NM!
Trailhead Location: Hilso Trailhead is on Hwy 400 (accessible from Exit 33 on I-40-)
Gallup North Hogback Trail
The trailhead is just to the northwest of the Red Rock Motorsports area. The gate is always open so just drive on through, watching out for any friendly throttle-twisters and hydrocarbon folks.
High Desert Trail System
The High Desert Trail system is comprised of over 22 miles of trail and is suitable for an afternoon or an all-day epic hike or bike ride.
Off Roading
Alongside the Hogback, one of the most prominent features in Gallup, NM, you will find Gallup ATV/OHV Park.
Gallup is home to over 30 miles of hiking and biking trails that are easily accessible off of Interstate 40 and Route 66.
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